Mifflin Township
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Upcoming Events

106 First Fork Road
Jersey Shore, PA 17740
(570) 398-7123
Welcome to Mifflin Township. This Lycoming County township has a population of approximately 1089 residents.  Mifflin Township Park, adjacent to the municipal building, is located on First Fork Road.  The park offers a walking path and a pavilion with handicap accessible picnic tables, as well as two regulation-size volleyball courts and a baseball field.  **Pavilion reservations available by contacting the township office at 570-398-7123, or by sending an email to address listed above.
Mailing Address:                        
Mifflin Township
106 First Fork Road
Jersey Shore, PA 17740
Telephone: (570) 398-7123
Email:  mifflintwp@comcast.net
Township Office Hours:
Mondays  & Tuesdays 8:00 - Noon: 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Thursdays 8:00- Noon

County Reassessment:

​Please be advised that Tyler Technologies Data Collection will be moving into Mifflin, Salladasburg, and Anthony Townships starting the end of January. This will continue until all the properties have been reviewed.  All Tyler field data collectors will be wearing Tyler issued yellow reflective safety vests and a County issued ID badge. Additionally, a list of data collectors and their pictures can be found on the link provided below:  

Next meeting of the Mifflin Township Board of Supervisors will be held:

April 9, 2025 @ 7:00 p.m.


Mifflin Township Recreation Board
April 2, 2025
6:30 p.m.